Want to increase the quantity and quality of the students who apply to your program? Programs that participate in ATCAS have national exposure to students who might not otherwise consider the program. The CAATE has dedicated this page as a resource to provide information on how to sign up for ATCAS, and additional materials for Program Administrators who are interested in learning more about the benefits of ATCAS to their Program.
Moving Your Admission Process Online During COVID-19
A recent article in University Business highlights the benefits of moving towards cloud-based application services. These benefits include the ability to seamlessly transition to a remote work environment and as well as increase program visibility to prospective students.
ATCAS continues to add accredited programs to its’ Centralized Application Service. A total of 126 programs are now participating with close to 2,000 applicants in the last cycle. ATCAS is a free service to athletic training programs that offers programs and admissions offices unparalleled reporting capabilities and real-time metrics that help facilitate better admissions decisions and dramatically improve the effectiveness of their application and enrollment process. Schools can analyze their applicant pool, better understand their applicant pipeline, forecast and benchmark from cycle to cycle or compare an individual program to specified or national cohorts. Integrated administrative services reduce the costly burdens of administrative work and create a paperless process that offloads redundant tasks like opening mail, verifying prerequisites, calculating GPAs, and authenticating transcripts. These unique services allow admissions staff of athletic training programs to focus on strategic enrollment initiatives and higher-level interactions with applicants.
ATCAS can assist with quickly shifting your admissions process online during this time of transition for universities. For more information on how your program can participate in this service, please contact Ann Donnelly, ATCAS Account Manager at or (617) 612-2064.
Benefits of ATCAS Participation
For Students
- Single online application
- Easy, intuitive interface
- 24×7 access
- Real-time updates
- One point of contact for support
- All application material managed in a single portal
- Time and cost savings when applying to multiple programs
For Programs
- Application and management software provided free to schools and programs
- Exposure to a wider applicant pool
- Benchmarking vs. national or identified cohorts
- Ability to maintain individual workflow and admissions standards
For the Profession
- Real-time data and common standards
- Accurate statistics on the professions
- Assists with workforce projections, future trends and recruitment
ATCAS Applicant Summary Data (as of March 2020)
Here are some key items to consider:
First CAATE has identified this process as the preferred mechanism by which students would apply to graduate programs in the discipline. As more schools join, students will expect this as the basis for applying to athletic training programs.
Second Evaluate the benefit of the tool itself. It’s powerful. It provides the ability to review, evaluate, score, assign and communicate from within the CAS. It eliminates the need for paper files or documents of any kind and your ability to be transparent with internal constituents is greatly enhanced. Since applications can be reviewed by more than one member of the admissions committee at the same time, speed to decision is increased.
The application is intuitive and user friendly. It makes a great impression on students and with the advent of the 3.0 student platform, and allows for customization and configurability at the program level that does not exist in the campus current application.
The collection of all transcripts, letters of recommendation and any other documents associated with the application is no longer done by the school/department. GPAs are calculated across many parameters with the added flexibility of developing GPA calculations to suit your program. The granular data provided by the CAS allows for more thorough and easier response to state and national surveys and data requests as well as accreditation and self-study surveys. Additionally, now official GRE scores can be collected within ATCAS as well as foreign transcripts from WES.
Comparative aggregate reports allow you to assess age, race and schools that your applicants previously attended as compared to applicants across the ATCAS universe.
It is a free tool. There is no charge or licensing fee for use. Through data exports and the data and document PDF API enhancements available this summer, the integration of data into your SIS will be facilitated.
Developing programs that have registered and paid for e-Accreditation access may also use ATCAS at no charge. Programs must use the following language in their ATCAS application pages. _______ is currently seeking accreditation for their new Athletic Training program and is not accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). The institution will be submitting a self-study to begin the accreditation process on July 1, 20XX. Submission of the self-study and completion of a site visit does not guarantee that the program will become accredited. Students that graduate from the program prior to accreditation WILL NOT be eligible to sit for the credentialing examination for athletic trainers and will not be eligible for licensure in most states.
Programs already participating can login to the dedicated ATCAS WebAdMIT™ portal by clicking on the logo below.
Additional Resources
ATCAS Analytics Overview for AT Programs
Click here to watch a recorded webinar on ATCAS- Achieve Your Enrollment Goals with ATCAS
Click here to watch a recorded webinar on ATCAS – Moving your Athletic Training Program Process Online
Cycle Date Reminders (2019-2020 and upcoming 2020-2021 cycle)
ATCAS Information
What is a CAS?
View this brief video to learn how a CAS can help you optimize your application and enrollment processes
ATCAS Brochure
ATCAS Participation Agreement Form
The Admissionist, Liaison’s quarterly magazine focused on topics in higher education are available on
For more information on how your program can participate in this service, please contact Ann Donnelly