Residency and Fellowship Program Accreditation Application
There are several essential documents to review when considering accreditation of a professional program in athletic training. The Standards and Procedures for Accreditation provides step-by-step instructions to residency and fellowship athletic training programs that wish to pursue or maintain accreditation. Within the same document, outlines the specific standards that must be met by all accredited programs. Its purpose is to explicitly define the requirements to achieve and maintain CAATE accreditation of residency and fellowship athletic training programs.
Accreditation is a voluntary, non-governmental peer review process that strives to ensure quality and accountability, and encourage programmatic improvement. By requesting accreditation, the sponsoring institution of the degree program agrees to be assessed against the Standards. The sponsoring institution of an accredited program must comply with these Standards and use them to examine, improve upon and report on its program’s growth and achievement. Accreditation involves a process of self-review and peer review, involving three major activities:
- A self-evaluation (self-study) by an institution or program using the Standards found on this website and culminating in submission of a self-study report to the CAATE.
- A peer review of the self-study and the institution during a site visit to confirm the accuracy of the self-study and gather additional evidence of quality.
- A recommendation by the Residency & Fellowship Accreditation Council to the CAATE who will make a final decision regarding accreditation.
More information about applying for accreditation can be found within the Standards and Procedures document.
With respect to in-person or phone conversations with program consultants or any third party, the CAATE will communicate with outside parties regarding a program only with the program director or an administrator present.
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